The Safeguarding Policy
This policy is intended to protect children who work with us planting trees to fight climate change. In this policy, the term children shall mean any person who is under eighteen years of age.
The organisation has a duty to take reasonable care of children and adults at risk who are affected by the organisation’s activities.
This document aims to promote and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of children and adults at risk, by ensuring that everyone who comes into contact with children/adults at risk (and their families) has a role to play.
Climate Change Activists .Org believe that no child or young person should experience abuse or harm and is committed to the protection of children and young people. This policy is intended to provide guidance and overarching principles to those who represent us as volunteers, and to guide our approach to child protection and safeguarding.
Risks to Children
We acknowledge different forms of abuse and harm, including, but not limited to:
– physical or emotional abuse
– neglect
– sexual abuse
– grooming and exploitation
– trafficking and slavery
– bullying
– violence or criminal behaviour
– self harm
– physical harm when engaging with activities
Those leading the organisation or in charge of specific activities hold responsibility for:
– remaining alert and aware of possible safeguarding risks to children
– guarding children against harmful environments with appropriate actions (for example, adequate supervision or ensuring safe environments
– taking positive steps to maintain the safety of children engaging with the organisation
– reporting concerns expediciously and appropriately, in line with child protection procedures
– understanding the duty to report specific concerns (and understanding how this interplays with confidentiality)
– challenging any inappropriate or harmful behaviour of any other adult and reporting this accordingly
– acting appropriately in the presence of children
not taking any inappropriate risks
– not smoking, drinking alcohol or taking any form of illicit substances in the presence of children
Responding to a Safeguarding Concern
Where a child is at immediate risk of serious harm, any adult present should call 999.
Where there is a safeguarding concern but no immediate risk of serious harm, the adult who has heard or witnessed this concern should tell the organiser of the organisation.
When any child makes a disclosure relating to harm or abuse to an adult, it is important for that adult to:
– listen calmly and carefully, showing that their views are taken seriously
– provide an appropriate and honest level of reassurance
– avoid interrogating children and asking probing, intrusive and/or leading questions
– avoid making promises of secrecy or confidentiality
– make a confidential written record of the discussion either during the discussion or immediately afterward
– refer all relevant information to the organisers.
Upon receipt of any safeguarding concern, the organisers shall make any appropriate referrals to the relevant authorities, such as the Local Authority Children’s services department.
Managing Behaviour of Children Generally
Whenever any adult connected with an activity connected with the organisation is faced with challenging or inappropriate behaviour from a child or with conflict between children, they must:
– treat each child fairly and equally
– approach the situation in a calm and neutral manner
– only use physical restraint/intervention in order to protect the immediate safety of a person
– any force used should be kept to the minimum taking into account the risk posed
Managing Risks Posed by Other Children
Adults involved with activities undertaken by the organisation must recognise that children can face harm from their peers. This can commonly take the form of bullying. Bullying can be defined as any behaviour which is both repeated and which has the intention of harming somebody physically or emotionally.
Bullying can include:
– physical harm
– name calling
– cyberbullying
Bullying should be reported to the parents of both children involved.